
Class 9th English Varshik Paper 21 March 2022 Download Now:

MP Board 9th English Varshik Paper 2022 Download: Imp questions, Question Bank, Time Table

MP Board 9th English Questions Paper 2022 Download: Imp questions, Question Bank, Time Table

MP board Class 9th English Varshik Paper 2022 Download : 

नमस्कार दोस्तों MP Board द्वारा कक्षा नवी की वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 का टाइम टेबल जारी कर दिया गया है । इसमें एमपी बोर्ड ने स्पष्ट कर दिया है कि कक्षा नौवीं के वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 16 मार्च 2022 से 12 अप्रैल 2022 तक  Conduct कराए जाएंगे । 
इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से हम आपको MP board के कक्षा नवी के Questions Paper Download किस प्रकार से कर सकते हैं,मात्र एक Click में आप 9th class के question paper download कर पाएंगे । 

और यदि अभी तक आपने वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 कक्षा नवी का टाइम टेबल नहीं देखा है तो वह भी आप इस पोस्ट में देख पाएंगे ।

MP board class 9th question paper 2022:

Post Name

Mp Board Question Paper Solution 2022

Mpbse 9th Exam Start Date 2022

16 March 2022

Mpbse 9th Exam End Date 2022

12 April 2022

The Academic Year


Exam Name

Mp board 9th Class





Subject Code


Official Website-.   http://mpbse.nic.in/

MP Board class 9th Varshik Paper Time Table 2022

16 मार्च 2022 – मैथ्स
21 मार्च 2022 – इंग्लिश
23 मार्च 2022 – उर्दू
24 मार्च 2022 – हिन्दी
30 मार्च 2022 – साइंस
01 अप्रैल 2022 – मराठी, पेंटिंग (मूक बधिर छात्रों के लिए), म्यूजिक (दृष्टिहीन छात्रों के लिए)
04 अप्रैल 2022 – सोशल साइंस
06 अप्रैल 2022 – नेशनल स्किल्स क्वालिफिकेशन फ्रेमवर्क (NSQF) से संबंधित विषयों के लिए
12 अप्रैल 2022 – संस्कृत

Old Question Paper Class 9th MP board:

अब आपके मन में यह प्रश्न आ रहा होगा यदि हम पुराने पेपर हल कर लेते हैं तो हम अपने वार्षिक परीक्षा में कितना स्कोर कर सकते हैं? यदि हम मेहनत करके सभी पुराने पेपर सॉल्व कर ले और इसमें से नहीं आए पेपर तो?  इन सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर आप को मिलने वाले हैं इसलिए आर्टिकल को ध्यान से पढ़ें !

सबसे पहले यह बता दें जिन भी छात्रों ने अभी तक कुछ नहीं पढ़ा साल भर वह छात्र यदि class 9th previous year question paper solve कर लेते हैं, तो वह अपने वार्षिक परीक्षा परिणाम को बेहतर बना सकते हैं . और आपको बता दें की 9th class old year question paper से वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 के पेपर में लगभग 60-70% आपके पेपर में प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे । और यदि आप 90%+ लाना चाहते हैं, तो हम आपको बहुत महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न उपलब्ध कराएंगे उनको भी आप देखते चलिएगा लिंक आपको इस पोस्ट में मिल जाएगी ।

और ध्यान देने वाली बात यह है कि आपको कुछ ज्यादा पेपर सॉल्व भी करने की जरूरत नहीं है क्योंकि आप सभी जानते हैं कि आप का Syllabus Change हुआ है इसलिए आप लास्ट 2 ईयर के क्वेश्चन पेपर ही सॉल्व कर लें ।
Section A 

Q.1 read the following passage and answer the questions on the basis of comprehension of the passage

Lalita sowed some tomato seeds in her garden. The seeds grew into little plants after a few days. She removed every weed. She never allowed any insect near her pet plants. When the days were hot, she watered the plants. She put compost under the plants. The flowers grew and became big. The tiny green tomatoes began to show. Lalita and her sister watered the plants daily. A very large beautiful tomato grew in the plant. Her father said, "It is the finest tomato I have ever seen". The sisters were very happy.


(a) What did Lalita sow in her garden? 
(iii) trees
(ii) seeds
(i) Plants
(iv) grass

(b) What did she not allow? 
(i) birds near plants
(ii) insects near plants
(iii) flies near plants
(iv) pets near plants

(c) What did she put under the plants?

(i) Water
(ii) Compost
(iii) Weeds
(iv) Flowers

(d) Which of the following is similar in meaning to 'tiny'?

(i) large
(ii) big
(iii) small
(iv) giant

(e) Why were the sisters happy?

(i) because flowers grew in their garden
(ii) because a tomato grew in their garden
(iii) because plants grew in their garden
(iv) because their father was happy


(a) seeds.
(b) insects near plants
(c) Compost
(d) small
(e) because their father was happy

Q.2 read the following passage and answer the questions on the basis of comprehension of the passage.

Helen Keller lost her eye-sight and hearing at age of two because of an illness. She became deaf. the She also lost the ability to speak, for we learn to speak by imitating what we hear. At first, it seemed impossible that she would never understand other's or be understood by them. Hers was thus a lonely world. But she was helped by a wonderful teacher named Miss Sullivan who had herself been blind as a child but recovered her eye-sight by an operation. Miss Sullivan volunteered to help Helen and taught her to speak, read and write. Helen later went to a university and gained a degree. She then spent the rest of her life working to help the blind and the deaf.


(a) We learn to speak......
(b) Miss Sullivan helped Helen to......
(c) What did Helen do for the blind and the deaf?
(d) When did Helen Keller lose her eye-sight and hearing?

(i) at birth
(ii) at the age
(iii) at the age of four

E. Which word in the passage means 'One who is not able to see'?

(i) deaf aber
(ii) sight
(iii) blind-d9%


(a) by imitating that we hear
(b) speak, read and write
(c) She spent rest of her life working to help the blind and the deaf.
(d) at the age
(e) blind.

We are living in the Age of Science. Everyday new inventions are being made for the good of humanity. The scientific inventions began after the industrial Revolution of 1789. Within these 200 years, science has made a wonderful progress. The aeroplane is one of the most important inventions of science during the Modern Age. It is the fastest means of transport known as far. An aeroplane resembles a flying bird in shape. Inside there are seats for the passengers and a cabin for the pilot. Thic cabin is called a cockpit. It has an engine that is worked by petrol. It is all made up of metal and can fly at a very high speed. Before taking off it runs on the runway for some distance to gather speed. Then it suddenly hops up the earth and takes off.


(a) The scientific invention began after the Industrial Revolution of..

(i) 1889
(ii) 1879
(iii) 1789
(iv) 1779

(b) The cabin for the pilot is called a ............ 
(i) cube
(ii) cockpit
(iii) cubicle ti 
(iv) chamber

(c) An aeroplane has an engine that is worked by.

(i) petrol
(ii) steam
(iii) diesel,
 (iv) gas 

(d) Which of the following is the fastest means of transport?

(i) motor vehicle 
(ii) ship
(iii) train
(iv) aeroplane

(e) We are living in the ..........

(i) Age of Industrialisation
(ii) Modern
(iii) Age of Inventions
(iv) Age of Science


(a) 1789
(b) cockpit
(c) petrol
(d) aeroplane
(e) Age of science

Section-B: Writing

Q.3 read the following passage and make notes on it and also give a suitable title to it.

When planning to go on a vacation, the tendency is to make sure that the travel plans are hassle free, before stepping out of one's doors. This involves booking by train, bus or even by air to one's chosen destination. Yet the greatest holidays can be enjoyed by going on foot and I am not referring to trekking expeditions into the wilds. Any holiday can be made into a walking trip by opting out of a bus ride or a train journey or a taxi drop, by selecting to go on foot. Besides, walking is a great form of exercise and, above all, helps you to go deep into the local culture, they daily lives of people, their food and their music.

Walking helps you enhance the adventurous streak in you. If you are out on a beach holiday, instead of workouts at the gym, head out to the water for you exercise. Resort pools are a great way to have fun and stay fit and are suitable for all ages. Wake up early to start your day with a swim and recruit family and friends to join in to make the activity even more interesting. you can also


1. When planning to go on a vacation, the tendency is to ensure hassle free travel plans, B4 going out.

2. It involves booking by train, bus or air 2 destination. 3. Yet the greatest holidays can B enjoyed on foot.

4. Walking is GR8 form of exercise and helps U2 go deep into local culture, daily life of people, food, music

5. If UR on a beach holiday, head out 2 the water 4 exercise, instead of gym, 6. Resort pools R a GR8 way 2 have fun and

Q.4 formal letter writing:

Q. Write an application to the principal of your school asking three days leave as you are ill.

The Principal,
Govt.H.S School
Bhopal (M.P)

Subject- An application for leave

Dear sir,
I am a student of class 9th. I am ill so I cannot come to school for 3 day.s I want 3 days leave. kindly grant me leave and oblige.

Thanking you
Yours obediently
Name: -------

Q. You are Amit Gupta studying in Government High Secondary school Rewa. Write an application to you principal to issue transfer certificate as your father has been transferred to Shivpuri.

The Principal,
Govt. H.S.S, Rewa(M.P)

Subject- application for issue of transfer certificate.

Respected sir,
I back to state that I am a student of class 9th of your school. I have passed my 8th class examination this year.
My father has been transferred to Shivpuri. Therefore I am not able to continue my studies here. Kindly issue me transfer certificate show that I may continue my education at Shivpuri.

Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class- 9th

Q. 5. Essay on any one of the following topics

in 150 words:

1. An Indian Festival 

2. Wonders of Science

3. Importance of Trees

4. My Hobby

5. Environment Protection

1. An Indian Festival

Introduction - Festivals are an important part of our life. All the festivals recharge us for daily routine. Diwali is a great Indian festival. It is the festival of light. We celebrate Diwali in the month of October or November on the Amavasya of Kartik month every year.

Reason of Celebration- It is believed that on this day Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya from his fourteen years exile. People of Ayodhya gave him a warm welcome. They decorate their houses with earthen lamps and distribute sweets. So we celebrate this day in his memory.

Preparations-  People clean and whitewash their houses. The shops are painted and reset. Decorative tems make the market look very beautiful.

The Celebration- Diwali starts with Dhanteras. On this day, people buy new clothes, utensils and crackers. They buy sweets, fruits, crackers and gifts to present their friends and relatives. On the day of Amavasya, people worship Goddess Lakshmi. They pray to her to shower her blessings and wealth upon them. The Diwali night becomes the brightest night because of electric series, earthen lamps, decorative lightings etc. Children burst crackers.

Advantages-  Diwali is enjoyed by all the people of every caste and religion. It strengthens the national unity. People in foreign countries also remember their motherland by celebrating Diwali.

Disadvantages- Some people gamble and drink on this day, This certainly is a bad practice. Likewise bursting erackers carelessly causes great damage and loss of property and environment.

Conclusion- Diwali is a festival of national importance. It brings happiness for both the rich and the poor. We should be careful inplanning the expenditure for it to make it memorable.

2. Wonders of Science

(i) Introduction- Modern age is the age of science. It has increased human comfort. It has given many wonderful things for the use of mankind.

(ii) Means of travel-With the help of Railway, Motor Cars and Aeroplanes travelling has become fast.

(iii) Electricity-Electricity has changed dark nights into bright days. It serves us in hundreds and thousands of ways. It runs our Trams, Mills and Factories. It keeps our houses cool and warm. Modern life is impossible without electricity.

(iv) Means of recreation-Radio, Cinema and Television are good means of recreation. Educational training is also made possible by Television.

(v) Atomic energy-Atomic energy is the latest discovery of science. With this people has reached the moon. It can meet the demands of energy.

(vi) Medical field-Science has given many effective medicines to cure terrible diseases. Heart surgery and heart transplantation have become ordinary things now-a-days.

(vii) Other Wonders-There are printing presses and sewing machines for human comforts.

(viii) Dark Side-The invention of atom bombs is a threat to peace. All threats of war must be ended. Man is called the master of the world because of Science.

MP board class 9th English Important questions 2022:

Q. What is the tale book?
Ans- tel book a virtual book that can be read on a screen. One day note have to turn pages because the words themselves move across the screen.

Q. What did Margie write in her diary?
Ans- Margie inter in her diary " today Tommy found a real book."

Q. What did Aurangzeb ban the playing of the pungi?
Ans- Aurangzeb ban the playing of the pungi because it had a shrill and unpleasant sound.

Q. Who were the people in Kezia's family?
Ans- Kezia's family consisted of her mother father, grandmother and herself.

Q. Where was Abdul Kalam house?

Ans- Abdul Kalam house was on mosque Street in rameshwaram.

Q. How did Abdul Kalam earn his first wages?

Ans-Abdul Kalam help his cousin shamshuddin to catch bundles of newspapers from the running train. Thus he earned his first wages.

Q. How was Maria treated by her fellow students at Florida?

Ans- Maria was very young and used to go to bed at 8 p.m. her fellow student would come in at 11 p.m. and wake her up and order her to tidy up the room and clean it.

Q. What does Vikram Seth compared to the quills of a porcupine?

Ans- the 50 of 60 century Protruding in all directions from to the pole of the flute seller.

Q. What does the wind God do?

Ans- the poet says that the wind destroys big houses, everything at home, weak bodies,weak hearts and even takes lives of those that are weak

Q. What does the poet want the wind to come?

Ans- the poet wants the wind to come softly not breaking the shutters of windows not scattering the papers and not throwing the books from the shelf.

Q. What sound do the raindrops make?

Ans- the raindrops make the pata sound of the shop rain 

Q. What makes in echo in the poet's hearts? 

Ans- every Tinkle on the shingles makes an echo in the poet's heart.

Sections-c (grammar and translation):

Q.7 fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative given in the brackets.

1. ...... Sun rises in the East [ a/an/tha]

Ans- The

2. He is. .... engineer [ a/an tha]

Ans- An

 3. He is .... MLA  [ a/an tha]

Ans- An

4. ....... She works hard, she will fail ( If/ Unless)

Ans- Unless

5. .... I take your pan? [ May/Can]

Ans- May

6. He wanted to ...... an engineer [become/ becomes/becoming]

Ans- Become

7. We need .... money. (Some/any)

Ans- Some

8. ..... Is a good exercise (walk/walking)

Ans- Walking

9. ..... Is a good exercise (swim/swimming)

Ans- Swimming

10. The book is ..... the table (on/upon)

Ans- On

11. He is.... M.A in English ( a/an/the)

Ans- an

12. Health is ...... than Wealth. (Good/better/ best)

Ans- better

13. Physics ...... not a difficult subject (is /am/ are)

Ans- is

14. He did not work hard .... he failed (so/ because)

Ans- so

15. .... You taken my pen? (Have/has/did)

Ans- Have

16. How ..... students are present today? (Many/much)

Ans- Many

Q.8 Do as directed

1. Children are playing in the park ( change into present perfect tense)

Ans- children have played in the park.

2. The train was delayed. the weather was bad. (combine the sentences using because)

Ans- the train was delayed because the weather was bed.

3. Simran knows the answer to the questions (make negative)

Ans- Simran doesi not know the answer to the question.

4. Rohan speaks English (change the sentence into negative)

Ans- Rohan does not speak English.

5. He is rich. he is not happy. (Combine the sentences using yet)

Ans- he is  rich yet not happy. 

6. Unless you work hard you cannot pass. (Use if in place of unless )

Ans- if you don't work hard you cannot pass.

7. They played hockey. (change into passive voice)

Ans- hockey is played by them.

8. He is too weak to left this box. (Rewrite the sentence using so.. that)

Ans- he is so weak that he cannot lift his box.

Q. 15. Answer the following questions in 75 Words

1. What do the two roads stand for?

Ans. In stanza two, the poet said that roads are grassy and looked as if it had not been much used. In stanza three, he says that on that morning both the roads were equally covered with leaves and that no person had stepped on them.


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Note- यदि इस आर्टिकल से संबंधित आपको कोई भी प्रश्न पूछना है तो कमेंट बॉक्स में पूंछ सकते हैं !

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