
Bihar Board Class 10th English Question paper First Terminal Exam

Bihar Board Class 10th English Question paper First Terminal Exam | Class 10 English First Terminal Exam 

10th English Question Paper – इस पोस्ट में कक्षा 10 वीं के प्रथम सावधिक परीक्षा 2022 के English का प्रश्न पत्र उत्तर के साथ दिया गया है । अब्जेक्टिव का उत्तर नीचे दिए गए टेबल से आप देख सकते है । और सब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न का उत्तर आप नीचे दिए गए लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते है ।

Matric First Terminal Exam Syllabus English Question Paper

सिलेबस की बात करें तो प्रथम सावधिक परीक्षा में आपके सिलेबस के एक तिहाई भाग से प्रश्न पूछा जाएगा । अर्थात कि जैसे कि आपके गणित में 15 चैप्टर हैं । तो उसमें उसका एक तिहाई अर्थात की 5 चैप्टर से प्रश्न पूछा जाएगा । इसी तरह आप समझ सकते कि सभी विषय के एक तिहाई सिलेबस आएगा । या आप जो सिलेबस बिहार के शिक्षा विभाग की तरफ से जारी किया जाता है । उसको देखकर परीक्षा के सिलेबस समझ सकते हैं ।

Bihar Board Class 1oth First Terminal Exam 2022 English Question Paper

 इस परीक्षा का प्रश्न पत्र विद्यालय के स्तर पर सेट किया जाता है । या कभी-कभी बिहार के शिक्षा विभाग के तरफ से भी इसके प्रश्न पत्र को सेट करके भेजा जाता है। अर्थात की प्रथम सावधिक परीक्षा का आयोजन बिहार बोर्ड न कर के बिहार का माध्यमिक शिक्षा विभाग करता है । अर्थात कि आप के मैट्रिक के सेंट अप परीक्षा और फाइनल बोर्ड परीक्षा का प्रश्न पत्र बिहार बोर्ड सेट करके भेजता है । वैसे प्रथम या द्वितीय सावधिक परीक्षा का प्रश्न पत्र बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति के तरफ से नहीं सेट किया जाता है ।


Question Nos.1 to 60 have four options, out of which only one is correct. You have to mark your selected options on the OMR- Sheet. You have to answer any 50 questions only.


1. "The Pace for Living" is written by:

(A) R.C. Hutchinson 

(B) William Cowper

 (C) Vidyapati

 (D) Joan Lexau

2. R.C. Hutchinson was a/an...........

(A) American novelist

 (B) British novelist 

(C) French novelist 

(D) Italian novelist

3. Where did the author see a play in which a corn-merchant was the chief character? 

(A) Budapest 

(B) Milan

 (C) Canterbury 

(D) Dublin

4. Who had the fantastic notion of spending £10 on a holiday?

(A) Son of corn-merchant

(B) Daughter of corn-merchant

C) Father of corn-merchant 

(D) Wife of corn-merchant

5. Who was cheating the corn-merchant?

(A) His son 

(B) His nephew 

(C) His daughter

 (D) His wife

6. Who didn't dislike the rapid movement of life?

(A) Corn-merchant

(B) Nephew of corn-merchant

(C) The author

(D) Wife of corn-merchant

7. Who is the author of 'Me and the Ecology Bit'?

(A) John Hutchinson

(B) Joan Lexau

(C) Toni Morrison

(D) None of these

8. It is hard to get people to work for..........

(A) environment

(B) harmony

(C) forestation

(D) ecology

9. What did the author do for the environment? 

(A) Doing plantation

 (B) Avoiding pollution

(C) Forestation 

(D) None of these

10. To whom the author told that you should not burn the leaves?

(A) Mr. John

(B) Mr. Williams

(C) Mr. Charles

(D) None of these 1/4

11. Which route does the author follow?

 (A) Physical route

(B) Communication route

(C) Paper route

(D) None of these

12. What according to the author is good for the garden?

(A) Fertilizer

(B) Irrigation

(C) Compost

(D) None of these

13. Who has written 'Gillu'?

 (A) Mahadevi Verma

(B) Satyajit Ray

(C) Puran Singh

(D) Vidyapati

14. Mahadevi Verma was a leading poetess of the..........school of poetry.

(A) chhayavadi school

(B) revolutionary school

(C) bhakti school

(D) none of these


15. Mahadevi Verma was the recipient of which of the following award?

(A) Mangal Prasad prize

(B) Bharat Bharti award

(C) Padma Bhushan award

(D) All of these

16. What did she see which was amazing? 

(A) A tiny baby running

(B) A tiny baby squirrel

(C) A tiny baby squirrel in running

(D) None of these

17. How many wounds did the squirrel have?

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Five

(D) Seven

18. Which of the following name was given to the squirrel?

(A) Gauti

(B) Gill

(C) Gillu

(D) Gilla

19. Who created the poem 'God Made the Country'?

(A) William Cowper

 (C) Alexander Pope

(B) William Wordsworth

(D) Durga Prasad Panda

20. According to the poet, health and virtue can be found in

(A) towns

(B) cities

(C) villages

(D) factories

21. The town's people do not enjoy any real............

 (A) scenery

(B) food

(C) drink

(D) fun

22. In this poem the narrator is........... 

(A) a townsman (B) god

(C) country

(D) a villager

23. Where is life better?

(A) In towns

(B) In villages

(C) In markets

(D) In homes 2/4

24. Where is the life least threatened? 

(A) In towns 

(B) In the fields and groves 

(C) In villages

 (D) None of the

25. "Ode on Solitude" is written by............

 (A) Alexander Pope

 (B) Leo Tolstoy

 (C) R.C. Hutchinson

 (D) Toni Morri

26. Hours, days and years slide away..........for the happy man.

 (A) hard 

(B) quickly

(C) softly

(D) tensely

27. Meditation..........the happy man.

(A) saddens

(B) pleases

(C) worries

(D) disturbs

28. The poet does not want anything to mark the place where he.............

(A) buried

(B) sitting

(C) hiding

(D) lost

29. Alexander Pope was born in the year...........

(A) 1588

(B) 1688

(C) 1788

(D) 1678

30. Where does the happy man live, according to this poem?

(A) In forest (B) In towns (C) his native land (D) None of these

31. "Polythene Bag" has been composed by...........

(A) Durga Prasad Panda

(C) Puran Singh

(B) Periasamy Thooran

(D) Laxmi Prasad Devkota


32. The polythene bag it is 'hurt' melts down when a little..........is applied

(A) chemical (B) fertilizer (C) warmth (D) water

33. What grows far away from everyone's gaze?

(A) Fear

(B) Love

(C) Polythene bag

(D) Germs

34. A polythene bag cannot be........... 

(A) made

 (B) recycled

(C) destroyed

(D) none of the 

35. If the polythene bag is left to itself, it...........the environment. 

(A) beautifies (B) cleans (C) changes (D) pollutes

36. What type of noise does a polythene bag make?

(A) Great (B) Squeaky (C) Smelling

37. Active voice of: 'By whom was it broken?'

(A) Who broke it?

(B) Was it broken by whom?

(C) Who has broken it?

(D) It was broken whom?

38. Active voice of: Let this book be read. 

(A) You have read this book.

(B) They read the book

(C) Read this book.

(D) He can read this book.

39. Passive voice of: 'Don't play the match.'

(A) The match doesn't be played.

(B) The match must not be play

(C) The match does not be played.

(D) The match need not be

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