
full fee concession application

Full fee concessions Application.Fee Concession Application In schools,Fee concession application in English for college

full fee concession application

Application to the Principal."Write an application for fee concession,"

Q. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to grant you full fee concession\scholarship\freeship.


The Principal
Govt. H.S.S Aron - Guna
12 july 2020
Subject - Application for Scholarship.
Respected sir,
                      I beg to say that I am a student of class 10th (B) of your school. My father is a daily wages worker. He is unable to pay my school fee. I have always been a good student and never failed in my class.
                   Kindly grant me full concession in fee. I shall be highly abliged to you for this act of your kindness.
Your obediently,
Class 10th (B)
Roll No. ....

how to write full fee concession application

The Principal
Govt. H.S.S Aron - Guna
12 july 2020

Subject - School fee concession.

Respected Principal,
I, saurav, reading in class 10th of your institute, beg you grant me fee concession for these coming 4 months.

My father works as a typist and his income in only 4000 rupees per month. Our family consists of total 9 members. They even find difficult to meet our both ends.
My parents wishes to educate me but they feel very sorry as they are not able to pay my school fee. I stood first in my class in the last annual examination. I hope you will be very kind enough and grant me fee concession for those months. 

your faithfully,

full fee concession application


The principal


subject- Requesting for concession for the fee.

Respected mam/sir

With due respectaal, nowadays because of increasing rates, my family is not able to afford I belong to an indigent family. My father is a assistant director in post office department. He manages to send me some money with great difficulty. He has to support a family of six members. He is the only breadwinner. My parents, being poor, are not in a position to bear my educational expenses. I am showing good performance in the class and college tests.


नमस्कार दोस्तों आज की इस पोस्ट में हम leave की एप्लीकेशन लिखना सीखेगे |दोस्तों leave की एप्लीकेशन  लिखने से पहले निम्नलिखित बातो को ध्यान में रखना जरुरी है |अगर आप एक अच्छा और सुंदर  leave का एप्लीकेशन लिखना चाहते हे तो निम्नलिखित स्टेप को फॉलो जरुर करे|
1. एप्लीकेशन छोटा और स्पस्ट हो |
2. आप जिस कारण से छुट्टी ले रहे हो उसका उल्लेख जरुर करे |
3. एप्लीकेशन में date का ध्यान जरुर रखे |
4.एप्लीकेशन में अगर नाम पूछा गया हे तो उसका उल्लेख भी करे |

Leave application  Fgormat For School ,collee and Office

इन आसन स्टेप को follow करके आप आसानी से leave एप्लीकेशन लिख सकते है |

For application writing, we need to follow these basic steps to make the application effective.

1) Follow the two day leave application for school from below your reference.

2) Try to make an applicaton from the sample.

3) Be short and clear.

4) Mention the reason behind taking leave from school for two day.

5) Mention the date of leave.

How to write leave application

Q. You are hemendra studying in class 10th in Govt. H.S.S. Aron.Write an application to your principal requesting him to grant you 2 days leave bacause you are sick.ANS-


The Principal
12july 2020
Subject- Application for leave.
Respected Sir,
                        I have been suffering from malarial fever since last night.The doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest for two days.
                                                          I, therefore, request you to grant me leave for two days only from today,
Your abediently,
Student of class 10th (A)
Roll no. .......

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