
Class 12th English Final Paper 2023 MP Board Board

Class 12th English Final Paper 2023 MP Board Board| एमपी बोर्ड वार्षिक अंग्रेजी पेपर 2023

Mp Board Class 12th English Varshik paper 2023 : Mp Board Class 12th English varshik paper 2023 के लिए यह पोस्ट बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होने वाली है इस पोस्ट में आपको class 12th English varshik paper 2023 के लिए महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न बताने वाले है ।जो प्रश्न आपके 12वी अंग्रेजी 2023 के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।इस लिए इन सभी प्रश्नों को अच्छी तरह से। तैयार करें।अगर आपको भी class 12th English varshik परीक्षा 2023 में अच्छे अंक लाना चाहते हैं तो इन बातो का ध्यान अवश्य रखे।

Mp Board 12th Final Exam paper Solution download 2023

कक्षा। 12वी की वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 की तैयारी के लिए mp Board की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर मॉडल पेपर 2023 को अपलोड कर दिया गया है ।सभी छात्र mp board की ऑफशियल वेबसाइट पर जाकर मॉडल पेपर 2023 को डाउनलोड कर पाएंगे।छात्रों को वार्षिक पेपर 2023 में अच्छे अंक लाना है तो इन मॉडल पेपर 2023 को अच्छे तरह से तैयार कर ले

4 मार्च का अंग्रेजी का वार्षिक पेपर कक्षा 12वी का एमपी बोर्ड

4 मार्च का रियल पेपर अंग्रेजी के पेपर के प्रश्न आपको यहां पर बताने वाले है | लेकिन इस बात का ध्यान अवश्य रखे की यह सभी प्रश्न पत्र आपको उपलब्ध कराए जा रहे है बो सभी अनुभवी टीचर्स के द्वारा बनाए गए हैं। 4 march ka English ka paper MP board के लिए महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न नीचे दिए है उन्हें अच्छी तरह से याद कर ले kaksha 12 ka English ka 4 march ka real paper solution download pdf| aaj ka English ka paper kaksha dasvin aaj ka English ka paper class 12th

Mp Board 12th English half yearly paper 2023 Solution download

अगर आपको भी 12वी अंग्रेजी के पेपर में अच्छे अंक लाना है तो आपको हाफ ईयरली पेपर 2023 को अच्छी तरह से याद करना होगा । एमपी बोर्ड 12वी अंग्रेजी वार्षिक पेपर 2023 में अच्छे अंक लाना है तो आपको इन बातो का ध्यान रखना होगा।
  • पिछले पांच सालों के पेपर हो हल करें
  • Tramshik पेपर 2022 को अच्छी तरह से सॉल्व करे
  • Half yearly paper 2022 को अच्छी तरह से सोल्व करे
  • एमपी बोर्ड के द्वारा जारी किए गए मॉडल पेपर 2023 को सॉल्व करे 
  • हमारे द्वारा दिए गए प्रश्नों को अच्छी तरह से तैयार करे।

12th English varshik paper pdf

Class 12th English varshik paper 2023 mp board / वार्षिक परीक्षा 2023 अंग्रेजी पेपर 12वीं / 4 march paper

4 मार्च का अंग्रजी का वार्षिक पेपर कक्षा 12वी का एमपी बोर्ड 4 march ka hindi ka paper MP board
4 मार्च का रियल पेपर अंग्रेजी का kaksha 12 ka hindi ka 4 march ka real paper aaj ka angreji ka paper kaksha barvin aaj ka angreji ka paper class 12th

class 12th varshik paper 2022-23

कक्षा 12वी का पेपर 4 मार्च को होने बाला है।इसे लिए मॉडल पेपर 2023 लेकर आ चुके है।यह पेपर आपके  4 मार्च के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।इस लिए इसमें जितने भी प्रश्न बताए गए उन्हें अच्छी तरह से याद कर ले।यह सभी प्रश्न अनुभवी टीचर्स के द्वारा बनाए गए हैं इस इन प्रश्न के परीक्षा में  आने के चांस बहुत ज्यादा है।एमपी बोर्ड कक्षा 12वी English वार्षिक पेपर 2023 की तैयारी के लिए सभी छात्रों को त्रैमासिक पेपर 2023 और हाफ ईयरली पेपर 2023 के प्रश्नों को तैयार कर ले ।यह सभी प्रश्नों के परीक्षा में आने के चांस बहुत ज्यादा है।

12th Class Last 10 year English Questions पेपर हल  Skteach

आज की के पोस्ट आप सभी छात्रों के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण पोस्ट है अगर आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ते हैं तो आप अंग्रेजी के सब्जेक्ट में बहुत ही अच्छे मार्क्स प्राप्त कर पाएंगे ।मैं कोई अतिशयोक्ति नहीं कर रहा हूं,बस आपके लिए यह बेहद जरूरी है की इस पोस्ट में आखिरकार है क्या ?
दोस्तों अंग्रेजी सब्जेक्ट बहुत से छात्रों को कठिन लगता है ।इसके लिए हमने कक्षा बारहवीं के छात्रों को ध्यान में रखते हुए इस पोस्ट को तैयार किया है ।अगर कक्षा बारहवीं के सभी छात्र इस पोस्ट में दी गई जानकारी को पूरा पढ़ते हैं तो आप अंग्रेजी सब्जेक्ट में बहुत अच्छे नंबर प्राप्त कर पाएंगे ।

 12th Last 11year Question paper solved

दोस्तों यह पोस्ट आपके लिए महत्वपूर्ण इसलिए है क्योंकि इस पोस्ट में हम आपके लिए लाए हैं पिछले 11 साल के ओल्ड क्वेश्चन पेपर |कक्षा 12वीं के अंग्रेजी सब्जेक्ट के पिछले 11 सालों के पेपर को हल किया है हमने ।स्पीडी अभी आप डाउनलोड कर पाएंगे ।अगर आप का वीडियो सॉल्यूशन देखना चाहते हैं तो आप हमारे चैनल पर जरूर जाइए ।

12th  English Download Pdf Link

पेपर डाउनलोड करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

Class 12th English varshik paper 2023 mp board 

Q. What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve ?

Q - What will Dr. Sadao and his Wife do with the man ?

Q - How did Doughlas overco me his fear of water ?

Q - What are the indications for the future of Humankind?

Q - Write a paragraph in about 200 words on 'whether the study of three languages at school is necessary or not?

Q - How do we know that ordinary people too contributed to the freedom movement ?

Q- You are Abraham John, the secretary of your school's Science Club A Science exhibition is avengers being organized in your school. Avengers Write a notice for the school notice board inviting projects and models from the students. The exhibition is to be held on 28 February.

Class 12th English varshik paper 2023 mp board 

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

The Gita is not an aphoristic work; it is a great religious poem. The deeper you dive into it, the richer the meanings you get It being meant for the people at large there is pleasing repetition. With every age the important word will carry new and expanding meanings. But its central teaching will never vary. The seeker is at liberty to extract from this treasure any meanings he likes so as to enable him to enforce in his life the central teaching.

Nor is the Gita a collection of do's and don'ts. What is lawful for one may be unlawful for another. What may be permissible at Avengers one time, or in one place, may not be so at another time, and in another place. Desire for fruit is the only universal prohibition. Desire lessness is obligatory.

The Gita has sung the praises of knowledge, but it is beyond the mere intellect. It is essentially addressed to shaktiman the heart and capable of being understood by the heart. Therefore unity the Gita is not for those who have no faith. The author makes Krishna say:

"Do not entrust this treasure to him who is without sacrifice, without devotion without the desire for this teaching and who denies Me. Or the other hand those who will give this precious treasure to My devotee will by the fact of this service assuredly reach Me. And those wh being free from malice, will with faith absorb this teaching, shall, havi attained freedom. live where people of true merit go after death."

6 Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option: (any five)

(1) The boy the bird almost everyday.

(a) catch

(c) catching

(2) I think it

(b) catches

(d) caught

rain today.

(a) may (b) must

(c) can (d) can't

(3) There are precious books in the library.

(a) much (b) any

(c) some (d) each

(4) We are going a match today.

(a) playing

(b) to play

(d) play

(c) played (5) My friend lives New Delhi.

(a) in

(b) at

(c) into (6) The temple is the middle of the river.

(d) on

(a) on (d) at

(b) in

(c). into (7) Let's go to market where my father has put up stall

(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) no article

(A) Read the following extract and answer the c

Yes. in spite of all

Some shape of beauty moves away the pail From our dark spirits, Such the sun, the moon. Trees old, an young, sprouting a shady boon With the green world they live in, and clear rills

For simple sheep: and such are daffodils


(1) What moves the pall away from our dark spirits

(a) Any shape of beauty

(b) Daffodils

(c) Green world

(d) Dooms

(2) What does the poet means by 'green world

(a) Green forest

(b) Daffodils green surroundings

(c) Green house

(d) Green walls




You are Sonia Nigam. While watching a news channel covering rally of "Green peace Activists". Write an article for a newspaper on 'It's worth. Saving the Earth.


Write a paragraph in about 200 words on whether the study of three languages at school is necessary or not

You are Abraham John, the secretary of your school's Science Club A Science exhibition is being organized in your school. Write a notice for the school notice board inviting projects and models from the students. The exhibition is to be held on 28 February.


Your father has been transferred to another city. You want to sell certain household goods. Design a suitable advertisement to be published in a local newspapers.

You are Anuj Dubey. Write a letter to your friend describing a recent exciting cricket match in which your team won.


Last month you bought a digital camera from Modern Electronics, Jabalpur. Now you find something wrong with it. It is not working properly. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the problem

2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

Coal is a natural resource which constitutes approximately 85 percent of the total fossil fuel reserves in the world. The coal deposits of India occur in two distinct stratigraphic horizons Gondwana and its territories. Gondwana coal contributes about 99% of the country's coal resources. These mines are located in peninsular India, in the South Eastern quadrant, bound by the 78°E longitude and the 24°N latitude, thus. leaving a major part of the country devoid of any coal deposits. The major Gondwana coalfields are represented by isolated basins, which occur along prominent present day rivers such as Damodar, Koel, Sone, Mahanadi, pench and Godavari. The relatively minor resource of tertiary coal is located on the either extremities of peninsular India.

Coal can be broadly classified in two categories - coking and non-coking. Coking coal are that which has cacking property and which is used in metallurgical industries. Again depending on the quality of coke produced by this coal, it is sub-divided into prime coking coal, medium coking coal, and semi-coking coal. similarly, non-coking coal is also categorised in seven grades (Grade A to G), depending on its caloric value.

Questions :

(i) Make notes on the above passage in points.

(ii) Give a suitable title to the passage.

At what age did Dr. Sadao go to America?

(a) Thirty

(b) Twenty two

(c) Twenty

(d) Thirty two

(3) Why was Dr. Sadao sent to America ?

(a) To learn surgery and medicine

(b) To learn scientific activities

(c) To learn about wounds

(d) For further studies

(4) Find the word from the extract which is opposite of "Fraction"

(a) Army

(b) Unit

(c) Troop

(d) Group

5 Answer the following questions in about 30 words: (any five)

(1) What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?

(2) What makes the city of Firozabad famous ?

(3) How did the instructor 'build a swimmer' out of Douglas

(4) Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with peddler ?

The Gita is

(a) an aphoristic work

(e) a patriotic song

(vii) The Gita is important for

(b) a great religious poem

(d) a great novel

(a) The old people

(b) The children

(c) everyage the people at large

(d) The young people

(viii) What do you understand by do's and don't in the ext

(a) work that should be done

(b) work that should be observed

(c) work that should not be done

(d) work that should be done and work that should

(ix) According to Krishna the Gita is only for those

(a) Who have faith

(c) Who have truth

(x) Opposite word of 'Malice'

(a) criticism

(c) good will

(b) Who have no

(d) Who have r

(b) ill-will

(d) hatred

Do as directed: (any five)

(1) (a) Sita does not sing.

(b) She does not dance.

[Combine the sentences using 'neither...... nor]

(2) Mr. Gupta teaches us Hindi. [Change the voice]

(3) If they do not work properly, they will be punished. [Rewrite using unless in place of 'If']

(4) He is too weak to stand.

MP Board class 12th English viral questions 2023

Cataract is the major cause of blindness, which is also caused by damage to the cornea. It occurs more often in old age. As one starts growing old, the lens of the eye hardens, loses its transparency and becomes opaque. It obstructs the light rays from entering the eye. The onset of cataract blurs the vision. Sometimes, the cataract patient sees multiple images instead of a single object image. Because of the gradual development of cataracts, the afflicted person loses his/her vision and the world becomes dark to him/her. The development of cataracts is a complex process. However, the following factors can be attributed to its formation. Cataracts generally develop in old age but sometimes, children are born with cataracts because of hereditary defects. Eye injuries too, can cause cataracts. People exposed to sun rays for longer periods develop cataracts earlier than others. Researchers opine that the smoke inhaled while smoking carries substances internally damaging the eyes. Ultraviolet radiation, invisible to the human eye, is linked to skin cancer. The victim loses vision and the world becomes dark to him.


(i)What is the major cause of blindness?

(a) pollution

(b) mobile phones

 (c) cataract

(d) None of these

ii) Why does the lens of the eye become opaque in old age?

(a)it loses its transparency (b) it becomes dirty (c) it becomes old (d) All of these

3)How does cataract affect its victim ultimately?

(a) Leads to partial loss of vision (b) leads to complete loss of vision (c) both of these (d) None of these

iv How does one detect cataract in early stages?

(a) Vision becomes clear (b) vision becomes blurred (c) see multiple images (d) both band c.

v )Find the word from Para 1 that means that through which light cannot enter'.

(a) transparent (b) opaque (c) semitransparent (d) none of these

vi) Noun form of patient.

(a) patient (b) patience (c) passionate (d) None of these

vii Type of cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation is.......

(a) blood cancer (b) breast cancer (c) skin cancer (d)lung cancer

vil) The onset of cataract.........the vision. (a) blurs (b) distracts (c) diffracts (d) protracts

 ix when does cataract generally occur? 

x How is smoking responsible for the development of cataract?

Ans- (ix) Cataract generally occurs more often in old age.

(x) When smoke inhaled carries a substance that damages eyes and causes internal harm to the eye.

Mp Board Class 12th English Varshik paper 2023

Q.2 Read the following passage and make notes on the basis of your comprehension of the passage. Give a suitable title.(4)

Life is not a bed of roses, but a bed of thorns. It is full of dangers and difficulties. In the race of life, we should not be afraid of the risk which is but natural. Success in any work in life goes to those persons who welcome risk. Science would not have made such wonderful achievements if our scientists had not risked their lives and comforts. The more difficult the work is, the harder our efforts should be to perform it. Life is not smooth sailing. Petty difficulties frighten a weak heart, who is not prepared to take a risk. But brave hearts achieve fame and honor because they enjoy taking risks. In short, risk brings success and works miracles.

SECTION-B (Writing)

Q.3 Your father has been transferred to another city. You want to sell certain household goods. Design a suitable advertisement to be published in the local newspaper.



For Urgently Sale, 40 LED, AC 1.5 ton, LG fride and Washing machine and other bouse hold things All the items are branded and Just like new ones. I am going abroad, Prices are negotable Interested perosns or parties may please contact hurriedly to:

Bahadur Rai

11, Shish Mahal Colony, Jabalpur


Design an attractive poster with catchy slogans on 'Blood Donation Camp'.

Mp Board Class 12th English Varshik paper 2023

Q.4 Write a letter to the collector of your district about the lack of facilities and malfunctioning of the government hospital of your area.


You are Amit Nema, living at 123-Gagan Hostel Ratlam. Write a letter to your father describing him about a picnic spot you visited last Sunday.

Q.5 Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 120 words.

1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:


According to fitness experts, if you think muscles are just for gym enthusiasts, think again! Latest research conducted at the University of Texas in the US says that a 30-minute workout a day could turn you into a genius. We show you five ways how working out can make smarter. Says fitness expert, "Exercise improves your mood. It works as an antidepressant and thus helps lift your mood instantly. Apart from this, it also helps you to concentrate on things that do on a daily basis. So, working out on a daily basis can actually make you smarter and more confident about yourself"


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