
[31 March] RBSE Board 10thEnglish paper Answer Key

RBSE Class 10th English Paper 31 March 2022 Answer Key : 

RBSE Class 10th English Paper 31 March 2022 Answer Key :

RBSE Board 10th English paper Answer Key 31 March 2022: नमस्कार दोस्तों Rajasthan Board द्वारा कक्षा 10वी की वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 का टाइम टेबल जारी कर दिया गया है । इसमें RBSE Board ने स्पष्ट कर दिया है कि कक्षा 10वीं के वार्षिक परीक्षा पेपर 31 मार्च 2022 से 26 अप्रैल 2022 तक  Conduct कराए जाएंगे । 
इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से हम आपको Rbse board के कक्षा 10वी के Questions Paper Download किस प्रकार से कर सकते हैं,मात्र एक Click में आप 10th class के question paper download कर पाएंगे । 

और यदि अभी तक आपने वार्षिक परीक्षा 2022 कक्षा न

10वी का टाइम टेबल नहीं देखा है तो वह भी आप इस पोस्ट में देख पाएंगे ।

Rajasthan Board 10th 12th Time Table download:

माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड राजस्थान अजमेर

माध्यमिक व माध्यमिक व्यावसायिक एवं प्रवेशिका

परीक्षा वर्ष 2022

परीक्षा कार्यक्रम

वार /दिनांक विषय (कोड )

गुरुवार 31 मार्च 2022 अंग्रेजी(02)

शुक्रवार 1 अप्रैल 2022 अंतराल

शनिवार 2 अप्रैल 2022 चेटीचंड अवकाश

रविवार 3 अप्रैल 2022 रविवार अवकाश

सोमवार 4 अप्रैल 2022 अंतराल

मंगलवार 5 अप्रैल 2022 विज्ञान (07)

मंगलवार 12 अप्रैल 2022 गणित (09)

सोमवार 18 अप्रैल 2022 सामाजिक विज्ञान (08)

शुक्रवार 22 अप्रैल 2022 तृतीय भाषा- संस्कृत (71) उर्दू (72), गुजराती(73), सिंधी ( 74),पंजाबी (75), संस्कृतम् प्रथम प्रश्न पत्र (95/1)

सोमवार 25 अप्रैल 2022 हिंदी (01)

मंगलवार 26 अप्रैल 2022 आटोमोटिव/ सौंदर्य एवं स्वास्थ्य/ स्वास्थ्य देखभाल/ सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी व सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी की समर्पित सेवाएं/ फुटकर बिक्री/ टूरिज्म एंड हॉस्पिटैलिटी / निजी सुरक्षा / परिधान निर्माण वस्त्र और गृह सज्जा / इलेक्ट्रॉनिक एंड हार्डवेयर / कृषि/ प्लंबर/ टेलीकॉम/ संस्कृतम्

Note- अभी किस पोस्ट पर काम चल रहा है इसलिए इस पोस्ट पर विजिट करते रहिए ।

RBSE Board 10th Paper 2022


English Click here


Social science



Second examination, 2022 


time -2 Hours 45min

maximum marks

                     Section - A


1.Read the following passage and answer the question.

"It is my duty to look after the Empire and the people, but I have no right to use what belongs to th people. I have built this small house and make copies of books to earn my livelihood. I spend twelv hours with the public. I listen to their difficulties and try to help them. I want that nobody should b unhappy in the Maurya Empire! Our people should be disciplined and there should be complete freedor of thought and worship." Chanakya said.

The Bhikshu said "As long as there is a man like you, there can be no sufferings in the empire. But have heard that some people in the village were looted by robbers and the guards were not able to d anything."

The Bhikshu left but Chanakya was worried, the villagers were in trouble.

1.Which empire is mentioned in the passage?

 A.  maurya Empire

 B. Arya empire

 C. turk empire

 D.  Mugal empire

2. How many hours are spent by Chanakya with the public?

(A) two

(B) twelve

(C) ten

(D) eight

3. The duty of Chanakya is to look after :

(A) the robbers

(C) the empire

(B) the people

(D) both (B) and (C)

4. Write the answers of the following questions:

(A) Who looted the people in the village?

(B) Which freedom is described by Chanakya?

5. Fill in the blank with appropriate word:

Chanakya was worried as the villagers were in [trouble/freedom]

(2)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. However, all necessities were provided for, in terms of food, medicine or clothes. In fact, I would say mine was a very secure childhood, both materially and emotionally.

i) What is the name of the father of the writer? 

(A) Jainulabdeen

(B) Aravindan

(C) Sivaprakashan

(D) Ramanand

2) The writer's house was built in the middle of the_____ century.

(A) fificenth century

(B) seventeenth century

(C) nineteenth century

(D)twentieth century

3) The author's childhood was a very secured childhood both materially and ___



(C) financially

(D) physically

4) the writer was born in the island town of: 



(C) rameshwaram

(D) chittorgarh

5) who is an ideal helpmate of the writer father? 

A) Writer's mother

(B) Writer's son

(C) Writer's friend

(D) Writer's uncle

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

(A) I was a short boy with rather_____looks.

(B) My_____ father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries.

(C)Write the words from the passage which mean the same as:

(A) Richness

(B) Natural


Choose the correct form of the verb 

1)After I_____ (read) the newspaper, I cleaned the room.

(A) have read

(B) had read

(C) would read

(D) was reading

2) ____ (meet) my friend yesterday.

  1. Met

  2. Had met 

  3. Had met

  4. Will meet

3)_____(study) in this school since last 2 years.

(A) Will study 

(B) has studies

(C) has been started 

(D) am studying

4) I usually _______(take) breakfast at 8:00 a.m.

(A) take

(B) taken

(C) am taking

(D) will take

(4)Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech: 

1) Naresh said to me, "I don't believe e you." 

2) My friend said to me, "Did you see the snake?"

(5)Combine the following pairs of the sentences:

i)Archit saw his mother, he ran to touch her feet. (as soon as)

 ii) You should come in uniform. You may join the parade. (so that)

(6) Change the following sentences into Passive Voice:

i)The people cut the trees without thinking.

ii) He asked me to go and sit on the back bench.

(7)Frame the question to get the following answer :


I respect my parents.

(8)Add Question-Tag to the statement given below:

There is a school in the street,_____?

(9)Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

i) A book is a book ______there is nothing in it. (although/if/and)

ii) My parents as well as my relatives were present there,_____supported me. (when/who)

iii)He___ visited India________England. (so-that/not only-but also)

                      Section- B

Answer the following question in 40-50 words.

10) 10) Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like new coins? 

[A Letter to God]

11) What does the poet want to say in the poem, 'Dust of Snow'?

[Dust of Snow]

12) Why did Bholi reject the marriage?


13) How did Mme. Loisel replace the necklace?[The Necklace]

14) How does Mr. Herriot treat the dog?

[A Triumph of Surgery]

                    Section - c

19)What was the forceful thing to make the young seagull successful to fly?

[His First Flight) 


How did Mandela's 'hunger for freedom' change his life? [Nelson Mandela....

20) Draw a character sketch of Wanda.

[The Hundred Dresses-3


How did Anne justify her being a chatter box in her essay? From the Diary of Anne Frank]


21) Why did the woman in the control centre look strangely at the narrator?[The Black Aeroplane] 


What was taught by Buddha to Kisa Gotami? [The Sermon at Benares]

22) Who was Griffin and what did he do in the story?[Footprints without Feet] [3]


Describe the story of Anil and the thief.

[The Thief's Story]

23) You are Sonu/Sonia, staying at 20-Gulab Nagar, Shrinagar. Write a letter to the editor of local daily about reckless driving and increasing accidents. [4]


Write an e-mail to your principal informing about the incompletion of the course of Maths and Science. You are Sanjay/Simmi.

24) Write a story using the outline given below. Assign a suitable title and moral to it: (Word limit 150-200) 

A hare …...proud of his speed…..... laughs at the tortoise ……….slow speed. . …….challenges …...... run a race .…........ Race begins……. Hare runs fast…...tortoise left behind  …...  . sleeps under a tree for rest ……..tortoise goes on ................. reaches the goal. ….hare wakes upes…. Runs...... looses.............. shocked................ tortoise.......... wins. [Footprints withov Feet] !



Old farmer........four sons ...... Lazy.. quarrelling .farmer made..them understand….but no effect…..called his sons...to give a bundle of sticks ...advised….no one can break... United the bundle…. Gave a stick ... broke…... taught lesson realised…. quarrelling.


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