Class 10th Half yearly English Paper Download 2021
नमस्कार दोस्तों आपका स्वागत है एक नई पोस्ट में। कुछ तो आज की पोस्ट में आपको कक्षा 10वी के Half yearly exam 2021 के पेपर के बारे में बताने जा रहा हूं।
Half yearly English paper Class 10th
Half yearly English का पेपर आपका 8 फरवरी 2021 को हुआ है। Half yearly Science 2021 का पूरा हल इस वेबसाइट पर मिलेगा। मध्य प्रदेश बोर्ड के सभी छात्रों के लिए यह पेपर हाफ इयरली एग्जाम के तौर पर लिए जाते हैं। साल में एक बार आयोजित किए जाते हैं।
Half yearly परीक्षा को देना सही या गलत
तो मैं आपको बताने जा रहा हूं कि हाफ इयरली एग्जाम को देना सही है या गलत, क्योंकि देखा गया है बहुत से बच्चे होते हैं जो हाफ इयरली एग्जाम नहीं देते हैं। तो दोस्तों इसे क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है। दोस्तों आपको बता दूं हाफ इयरली एग्जाम मैं आपका आधा syllabus पूछा जाता है । अगर जो भी स्टूडेंट्स Half yearly परीक्षा को देता है तो उसे इस परीक्षा में उस छात्र को आधा syllabus को अच्छी तरीके से याद करना होता है। इससे उस चात्र का रिवीजन भी हो जाता है।और वह बोर्ड परीक्षा में अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर पाता है।जो भी छात्र Half yearly एग्जाम को नहीं देता है वह अपनी तैयारी को पूरी तरह नहीं कर पाते हैं।लास्ट में जाकर वह बच्चे फेल हो जाते हैं।इसलिए सभी छात्रों को Half yearly का Exam देना चाहिए।
MP board Half yearly exam paper class 10th English download
que.Light the lamp of Thy Love is a simple prayer written by :
[1]. Burt Dubin
[2]. H.W. Longfellow
[3]. RabindraNath Tagore
[4]. Mahatma Gandhi
प्रश्न क्र. : 2 Antonym of 'senior' is
[1]. good
[2]. internal
[3]. evil
[4]. junior
प्रश्न क्र. : 3 The time of the day when light first appears is called
[1]. sleep
[2]. dawn
[3]. resolute
[4]. surprise
प्रश्न क्र. : 4 What is the prefix of healthy?
[1]. semi
[2]. Un
[3]. in
[4]. im
प्रश्न क्र. : 5 to change something in
something different mean :
[1]. darkness
[2]. entrancing
[3]. knowledge
[4]. Transmute
प्रश्न क्र. : 6 The opposite word of
"external" is
[1]. light
[2]. internal
[3]. evil
[4]. senior
प्रश्न क्र. : 7 A force that causes bad things
to happen (give one word)
[1]. Evil
[2]. Good
[3]. soul
[4]. darkness
प्रश्न क्र. : 8 The meaning of 'disciple' is
[1]. spirit of a person
[2]. a person who believes in and f
[3]. entrancing
[4]. resurrecting
प्रश्न क्र. : 9 What is the prefix of finite?
[1]. un
[2]. in
[3]. im
[4]. dis
प्रश्न क्र. : 10 The radiant grace of God illuminating the poet's life means :
[1]. unpleasant
[2]. Incorrect
[3]. Infinite
[4]. Unhappy
प्रश्न क्र. : 11 The radiant grace of God
illuminating the poet's life means :
[1]. Light thy entrancing
[2]. Light Thy resurrecting lamp
[3]. Light Thy transmuting
[4]. Light Thy illuminating
प्रश्न क्र. : 12 The correct meaning of the word 'Thy' is
[1]. them
[2]. then
[3]. our
[4]. your
प्रश्न क्र. : 13 What is the meaning of sleep?
[1]. ugly
[2]. sooted
[3]. slumber
[4]. wakeup
प्रश्न क्र. : 14 The five senses eyes, ears,
nose, tongue and skin means :
1]. evil
[2]. clay
[3]. worrier
[4]. sense lamps
प्रश्न क्र. : 15 The correct meaning of the word thine is
[1]. yours
[2]. our
[3]. you
[4]. your
प्रश्न क्र. : 16 What do you mean by the word 'soul'?
[1]. ignorance
[2]. spirit of a person
[3]. Evil spirit of a person
[4]. fascinating
प्रश्न क्र. : 17 Choose the correct prefix for the word 'wanted' :
[1]. un
[2]. in
[3]. im
[4]. dis
प्रश्न क्र. : 18 What do you mean by the word 'darkness'?
[1]. knowledge
[2]. ignorance
[3]. transmute
[4]. light
प्रश्न क्र. : 19 What is the message of the poem "Light the Lamp of
thy love".
[1]. Darkness is the cause of all e
[2]. Light is the cause of all evil
[3]. Knowledge is the cause of all
[4]. None
प्रश्न क्र. : 20 Antonym
of 'evil' is
[1]. good
[2]. darkness
[3]. junior
[4]. internal
प्रश्न क्र. : 21 What
do you mean by the word 'wondrous'?
[1]. spirit of a person
[2]. tensions
[3]. fascinating
[4]. worries
प्रश्न क्र. : 22 In my house, with _________ own hands.
प्रश्न क्र. : 23 Sitting at the _______ of mysoul
प्रश्न क्र. : 24 Touch me but once and I will ________ . (write/change/love/teach)
प्रश्न क्र. : 25 All the sense lamps that I did _________ . (light/fire/change/remove)
प्रश्न क्र. : 26 All my clay into they _________ .
प्रश्न क्र. : 2
(1) |
Lamp |
(a) |
Bold |
(2) |
Gold |
(b) |
Wing |
(3) |
Thing |
(c) |
Camp |
(4) |
Clay |
(d) |
Height |
(5) |
Light |
(e) |
Day |
प्रश्न क्र. : 1 The boy made up his mind that he would .............
[1]. leave the school
[2]. survive
[3]. not start the fire again
[4]. change the doctor
प्रश्न क्र. : 2 The boy went to workout in his
yard because he wanted to
[1]. take part in a wrestling compe
[2]. climb a hill
[3]. strengthen his arm muscles
[4]. develop life in his life less
प्रश्न क्र. : 3 The name of the little disabled boy who later ran the world's fastest mile is
[1]. Pete Sampras
[2]. Ben Johnson
[3]. Dr. Glenn Cunningham
[4]. Diago Maradona
प्रश्न क्र. : 4 What had helped the boy to develop the ability to run?
[1]. Daily massage
[2]. Iron persistence
[3]. Resolute determination
[4]. All of these
प्रश्न क्र. : 5 One word for the phrase “to continue to live in spite of danger” is
[1]. Mortal
[2]. Engulf
[3]. Terrible
[4]. Survive
प्रश्न क्र. : 6 The opposite word of mortal is :
[1]. Unmortal
[2]. Immortal
[3]. Dismortal
[4]. Continue of live
प्रश्न क्र. : 7 The fire had destroyed the boy's
[1]. whole body
[2]. lower and middle parts of the
[3]. lower part of body
[4]. middle part of the body
प्रश्न क्र. : 8 How did the boy survive?
[1]. Continue to live
[2]. Due to his extremely strong de
[3]. Immortal
[4]. The lower part of his body
प्रश्न क्र. : 9 The meaning of the word ‘cripple’ is :
[1]. Continue to live
[2]. Due to his extremely strong de
[3]. Immortal
[4]. The lower part of his body
प्रश्न क्र. : 10 The word similar in meaning to ‘disable’ is
[1]. Dangle
[2]. Cripple
[3]. Iron persistence
[4]. Determination
प्रश्न क्र. : 11What had caused the disability
to the boy ?
[1]. He suffered an accident while
[2]. A trunk ran over him
[3]. He got burnt
[4]. That which cannot live forever
प्रश्न क्र. : 12 The prefix for known is
[1]. Un
[2]. in
[3]. im
[4]. semi
प्रश्न क्र. : 13The meaning of the word ‘stagnant’ is
[1]. To produce young ones
[2]. An area which remains water lo
[3]. Engulf
[4]. Persistence
प्रश्न क्र. : 14 To produce younger ones ( give on word ):
[1]. Sleep
[2]. Slumber
[3]. Breed
[4]. Dawn
प्रश्न क्र. : 15 The meaning of the word “dangle” is
[1]. to hang or swing purely
[2]. to have to stay in bed
[3]. having disability
[4]. to surround or cover some body
प्रश्न क्र. : 16 How did his mother help the little boy to recover ?
[1]. by killing him
[2]. by massaging his feet
[3]. by not massaging feet
[4]. by hitting him
प्रश्न क्र. : 17 When the child was to taken out of the fire
[1]. more than half of his body was
[2]. half of his body was burnt
[3]. his entire body was burnt
[4]. no body part was burnt
प्रश्न क्र. : 18 The correct meaning of the word "pot-bellied" is
[1]. Having a large stomach that st
[2]. To surround or cover somebody
[3]. That cannot be seen, heard or
[4]. to hang or swing freely
प्रश्न क्र. : 19 That cannot be seen, heard or smelt means
[1]. Doom
[2]. Faint
[3]. motor
[4]. cripple
प्रश्न क्र. : 20 The correct meaning of the
phrase “at a fairly temperature but in a way that is pleasant” is
[1]. mortal
[2]. terrible
[3]. warm
[4]. engulf
प्रश्न क्र. : 21
Column-I |
Column-II |
Faint |
That cannot be seen |
Doom |
A person who is unable to walk |
Potbellied |
To make somebody to die |
Cripple |
Have a large stomach that stich one |
Dangle |
To hang |
प्रश्न क्र. : 22 It was dark, so I ....................... a torch with me. --
प्रश्न क्र. : 23
Mohan was very tired, so he ....................... to bed early. --
प्रश्न क्र. : 24 When the little boy woke up, he ……....... the doctor telling his mother that her son ................. surely die. (hear, will)
प्रश्न क्र. : 25 They listened to the joke and …….... to laugh.
प्रश्न क्र. : 26 The boy was very hungry, so he ................. ...... his lunch.
प्रश्न क्र. : 27 Mohan ----------- absent yesterday.
[1]. is
[2]. was
[3]. are
[4]. were
प्रश्न क्र. : 28
My friends ---------------- happy to see me at the school last week.
[1]. are
[2]. were
[3]. was
[4]. is
प्रश्न क्र. : 29
Sachin hit the ball but the fielder------------------ it . [1]. catches
[2]. caught
[3]. catch
[4]. catching
प्रश्न क्र. : 30 I
--------------- my teacher some questions. [1]. ask
[2]. asking
[3]. asks
[4]. asked
प्रश्न क्र. : 31 My
car was old. So I --------------------- it. [1]. sell
[2]. sold
[3]. selling
[4]. sells
प्रश्न क्र. : 32 They
-------------- a lot of money yesterday. [1]. spend
[2]. spent
[3]. spends
[4]. spending
प्रश्न क्र. : 33 The money was ----------- by the thief.
[1]. steal
[2]. stole
[3]. stolen
[4]. stealing